The Stone That Fell From Above

I have my critics and I know not everything
I say or do is well received. Whether
I have said it aloud to all or
I have written it to you.

My words find their way when they need to and
My words find their way to you whether it is
My voice you hear or another. Whether
My name is the one that comes to mind.

You are the only thing that drives me.
You are the only inspiration I need, whether
You know it or not. I am the one that puts the words before

Before I can ever tell you how I feel and
Before I will ever let you know, I must come to you.
Before those that betray me, or disallow me that honor.
Be for you.

Mine enemies know me, and as a matter of course
Mine weakness they exploit. Purposely, and with grave desire
Their own bricks fall where they may. However, without regard, in
Mine own heart yours will always beat.

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